Simeon ['simiən] 名字的由来:

“And there was then in Jerusalem a man whose name was Simeon; and he was an upright man, fearing God and waiting for the comfort of Israel: and the Holy Spirit was on him.” [Luke 2:25]

“在耶路撒冷有一个人名叫西面,这人又公义又虔诚,素常盼望以色列的安慰者来到,又有圣灵在他身上。” [路加福音: 2:25]

“And he had knowledge, through the Holy Spirit, that he would not see death till he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” [Luke 2:26]

“他得了圣灵的启示,知道自己未死以前,必看见主所立的基督” [路加福音: 2:26]

“And full of the Spirit he came into the Temple; and when the father and mother came in with the child Jesus, to do with him what was ordered by the law,.” [Luke 2:27]

“他受了圣灵的感动,进入圣殿。正遇见耶稣的父母抱着孩子进来,要照律法的规矩办理。” [路加福音: 2:27]

“Then he took him in his arms and gave praise to God and said,” [Luke 2:28]

“西面就用手接过他来,称颂神说,” [路加福音: 2:28]

“Now you are letting your servant go in peace, O Lord, as you have said;” [Luke 2:29]

“主阿,如今可以照你的话,释放仆人安然去世。” [路加福音: 2:29]

“For my eyes have seen your salvation,” [Luke 2:30]

“因为我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩。” [路加福音: 2:30]

“Which you have made ready before the face of all nations;” [Luke 2:31]

“就是你在万民面前所预备的。” [路加福音: 2:31]

“A light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” [Luke 2:32]

“是照亮外邦人的光,又是你民以色列的荣耀。” [路加福音: 2:32]